Only a year late... I came here to make a post on some recent sewing and found this one in the drafts. Apparently I started writing it in September 2019. I think I might have been waiting to take a photo of the finished Jalie hoodie, but I never got round to it. I'm posting it up now.
Overall, the fit is pretty good (I made this for E) and it's a good length. The hood is huge though. This fabric I used makes it look more like one of those slouchy hats at the back when you have it up. I think if I made this again I might make the hood smaller. Actually I think I have another one cut out somewhere...
I made a Jalie 2795 hoodie for myself. I really loved the way it looked but as you can see, the sleeves are huge. Like really way too long. Because the cuffs aren't elastic or tight enough, they don't stay around your wrists. Even turning them up, I still looked like a flappy penguin. The body fitted fine, although maybe I should have chosen one size smaller but I can wear it over bulkier things with the bigger size.

I wanted to shorten the sleeves, a task I knew wouldn't be fun since it involved unpicking the overlocking and then recutting the sleeves to fit. However... with all the different seams on the sleeve, I accidentally cut the wrong one, thinking it was the under arm seam, basically cutting a huge slash up the middle of the sleeve. I was so annoyed with myself. Eventually I did fix it, although it wasn't very easy because I had to re-topstitch up the centre of the sleeve so there really wasn't much space. It's done now, and I'm pretty happy with it. I don't think anyone will be able to tell that I messed up.
I would like to resew the zip though because it feels like the stitching is a fraction closer on one side than the other. It seems like too much of a hassle to do that though so I'm leaving it as it is. I'd also like to topstitch the zip but the fabric is just too thick in places.
I really liked the way the pockets looked. There is still some pen marking the centre of this pocket but I love the way they turned out. You could use a different colour for contrast too.

I have another one cut out ready to sew. I discovered that there are no lengthening or shortening lines for the sleeves on the pattern, so I plan to adjust them after I've sewn all the sleeve pieces together. Here's another shot of the flappy penguin arms.
A one year later up date. I never did resew the zip or even topstitch it and I can't say I've ever noticed anything off centre about the zip. The lack of topstitching hasn't been a problem either. This is actually one of my most favourite things I've ever sewn and I wear it quite a lot. I love the colour of it, although it has started to fade over time. The only issue with the colour is that it doesn't look great with blue jeans, so I usually wear it with black jeans (of which I only have one pair) or black leggings (again, I only have one pair).