This top is made from Blessed Designs #1002. It is a nursing top. You lift the top layer and there are extended armhole openings in the white layer. Very good for keeping your stomach covered! It was so fast and easy to make! I will definitely make this again, but next time lengthen it by quite a bit. It's too short on me. Because I am small it makes me look even shorter! I think if I wear a longer top it'll make my body look longer and I'll look taller. The pink fabric came from my stash. I've had it about 4 years. It's not really my colour though. I just really wanted to try the pattern out.

The hems were done on my sewing machine. I was too lazy to set my overlocker up to do cover stitch. I think they look pretty good and quite professional. Picture is a bit blurred though.

One morning a few months ago I woke up and just randomly decided to sew this! I neglected my house for the day to sew it. It had just been waiting for snaps. It's from the Ottobre magazine. I have made this pattern before a couple of years ago. It's blue velour - very snuggly! The binding was a pain to do. I cut it to the width you were supposed to, but its really too narrow and annoying to work with. I think it looks horrible, but probably no one else will notice. I've never done anything like the chick applique before. It's not great. i had trouble turning round the curves. It still needs an eye. i have a packet of teeny beads somewhere, but I can't seem to find them. i might just draw it on with a fabric pen.
The drity marks are from dust. M decided to drill holes in the wall, and didn't bother clearing anything away. Loads of dust fell onto my sewing! I can't seem to rub it off. i will have to wash them.

A close up of the chick - and the dust. I used an satin stitch on the chick, a decorative stitch for the grass and a quilting stitch for the egg. the egg is cut from a piece of fleece and the chick from quilting cotton. The pattern had it just as an embroidery, not an applique. But I didn't think it would look so good on blue.

These are some felt balls that we made from wool. I found the instructions online and felted them in the washing machine. I didn't think they were going to work because we had trouble shaping the wool into a round ball. But they turned out ok I think.

R likes them! We were thinking about making one with a jingle bell hidden inside it. We might make some more later on.
you are so clever.
where on earth are finding the time ? LOL
love the felt balls LOL
Denise xx