For the first time in ages I have actually been quite productive! Firstly I made another hoodie from the Lil Blue Boo pattern for W. He loves it. I found it a bit harder making one of the larger sizes. The green top was xl size, but the black was only an L so there wasn't as much fabric available. I ended up cutting the sleeves from further up the t.shirt and having to hem them myself. The black band around the hood had to be cut from a piece of black jersey from my stash.

The print is terribly squint though! It looked squint and very off centre on the original t.shirt. I thought I'd done a good job of cutting it till I sewed the bottom band on. Argh! It looked hideous! There was no way I could really fix it. Its going to be on moving child though, so I doubt anyone will notice. I plan on making a few more of these.
Then I made some girls pyjamas from a 1970s pattern. They certainly look 70s! Whats with trousers that almost go up to your chest??? I still need to sew a button on the back. I felt a lot of the sewing techniques in the pattern made the pjs look very "home made". I'm sure there is a better way to do some of the things that would produce a more professional look. I'd quite like to try making the nightdress with some broiderie anglaise or something similar, with a ruffly bit round the yoke, just for something fancy.
I just finished some more girls pyjamas. The leggings are from Ottobre magazine (4/04 i think) I haven't actually finished them, still need to hem and do the elastic waist. I made a t.shirt from a Jalie pattern to wear with them. Luckily I had some lilac ribbing which was a good match. I've made this pattern before and had some trouble with the ribbing. I had trouble again this time. It looks quite uneven in places. I had quite a lot of the fabric left so I decided to make the vest style top as well to make some mix and match pjs.
What's next... well, I'd really like to get some brown knit, so I can pair it with a bunch of other fabrics, to make a top for myself and pjs or tops for R. I also have the beastie fabric in the pink colourway, so I might make another set of pjs. I was thinking maybe a swing top sort of thing paired with leggings this time.