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Making things

I've been working on some more things for my shop. I've been a bit short of cash so I haven't been able to buy more snaps and wicking fabric to finish them all yet. I also need bamboo for a bunch of fitted nappies I've cut out. I've discovered that I have no clue how to run a business. I'm not sure how to budget. So far I've used all the money I've made to buy new fabrics or supplies. I haven't quite figured out how I'm supposed to make a profit yet. Surely there will be a point where you've built up enough supplies that you can actually keep some of the money you make? I'd like to have some spare cash so that my kids can go swimming and stuff during the summer.

I have tons of scraps of PUL and hate throwing things away, so I thought I'd trim the scraps down into squares and sew them together to make some covers. I don't recommend doing this because it takes forever! I'm not too sure how well they'll work either because every seam is a potential leak point. I thought I'd sit a wet cloth inside the cover for a while and see how the seams hold up. Hopefully they do because I ended up sewing together enough patches to make five more of these covers.

I need to sew this one closed and topstitch it. All the seams where the squares meet together mean that it doesn't turn very smoothly so I cut some from the Rocket Bottoms cover pattern that I can bind with fold over elastic. I don't really love working with fold over elastic though. I don't hate it, I just feel like it doesn't give such a professional finish compared to turning and topstitching or overlocking. I made a stupid mistake of cutting the smaller scraps into even tinier squares to sew a newborn sized cover. That took forever. I don't have a picture of that yet. I'd like to get some mesh sort of fabric to line the covers with, just to hide the fact that all the seams look a bit ugly on the inside. This one I've made uses athletic wicking fabric though.

It was 32.4 degrees C in my workshop recently. Way too hot for working. I've also been getting swarmed with midges in the late evenings. They're really vicious this year. The bites seem to itch for ages. These are some flowers from my garden. I have no idea what they are, even though I planted them! They're at least 2 metres tall. Bees love them and they smell nice too.

These are some of the nappies I've been embroidering. I still haven't bought any more white PUL yet! I do think most designs look better on white.

These look a bit blurry. There's a skull on orange, for Halloween, a fairy on pale pink, dinosaurs on green, a bird and teacup on pale yellow, the wolf again on purple. I don't think he turned out very well this time. Maybe I should have done him in a darker colour so he'd stand out more. There's also a steampunk airship on brown, which you can't see very well.

The dount design was a free download. It kind of annoys me how it's lower case on the top but upper case on the bottom though. I love the cactus and hedgehog design! For the unicorns I only had a tiny bit of purple left, so I decided I'd stitch together two different colours of PUL at the crotch. The front will be pink and the back will be purple with the unicorn embroidery. I've had the bunny design for ages but this is the first time stitching it out. I did another fairy on purple, which I think looks better than the one on pink.

Okay, there's nothing baby related about this design at all. It's from a French cafe design set. I really like the look of delicate designs. It's for the baby's grown ups to look at and admire. There are plenty of people out there embroidering cute baby designs, so it's nice to do something a bit different.

I love this cactus design! My daughter told me that cacti designs are really in right now. It was the middle of the night when I finished stitching this design.

Here's the bunny design again. It's very summery. I really should get it finished before summer is over!

I can't really complete any of these nappies until I have some inner fabric and some more snaps. I'm dreading putting snaps on 11 nappies, oh and there's the five scrappy covers. Fun...

My kids will have the whole of August off. We do school where we work for three months and have one month off. So we're usually off for the whole of April, August and December. I'm pretty sure it works out to be about the same amount of holidays as schools here have. This August I thought I'd spend it making things for my shop. I had a goal in mind to make 50 items. I'm not sure if that's too ambitious or not. Finishing off the things I've started would put a pretty big dent in that total though. I also have some cloth pads cut out that I should sew up too. I'm looking forward to the challenge!


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