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Big Clean Up

I got a new shelf unit from Ikea for my fabric. I thought it might be easier to have it organised on shelves, so I could see what I had more clearly, and reach things easily. I had it stored in boxes before. Its taken me about a week to move it from the boxes onto the shelves, but its done now! I also sorted through unfinished projects, patterns and cleared up my desk.

I've got fleece on the top shelf - kind of messy since I can't reach that high. I just threw them onto the top shelf. Next shelf is knit fabric and cord fabric, next shelf has PUL, flannel, PRR fabrics and interfacing, on the bottom shelf there is a big stack of random fabrics and some natural fabrics - like bamboo and hemp. In the boxes next to the shelf I've got clothes for recycling (or upcycling I think its called?) a box of cut out projects, a box of half done projects - also known as UFOs (that's UnFinished Objects!). The narrow box is filled with smocking projects. On top of that is a box of finished projects, mostly things like small sized nappies, or things that I've taken so long to finish they've been outgrown. I will probably gift them to people or give them away. Next box has a lot of PUL scraps. I have plans for them! And the last box is just stuff I haven't put away yet.

I've got magazines stacked on the drawers. Mostly Sew Beautiful, Burda and quilting magazines. I think I will look for a better storage system for them.

These are my knit fabrics, they're double stacked since there are a lot! Next to them is some cord and other random dress making fabrics - now completely covered in hair, since the cat decided to perch up there.

PUL fabrics, flannels behind and stacks of PRR fabric organised by fabric type. In the little clip on basket I've put iron on interfacings. Can never seem to find them when I need them!

I was just standing back, admiring all my lovely fabric when I suddenly thought eek! Imagine how much all that cost!!!! I think £100 alone on just the PUL, never mind the rest. Maybe I should increase my home contents insurance cover!!!

Next to the shelf is a tall stack of drawers. This is the patchwork/quilting drawer. Not really much in it. I think the FQs could be better organised, maybe in a little basket or something like they are in fabric shops. The other drawers have a random selection of fabrics. I may go through them all again and get rid of some of it.

My desk. (picture taken at half past midnight when I finished clearing up!) In case anyone was wondering, I have a Husqvarna Huskylock overlocker - I think its the 936 model, and a Husqvarna Quilt Designer II sewing machine. I LOVE it! In the background you can see my embroidery machine. Its a Brother 190D and it is a piece of junk! I hate it. You have to hold the thread tension by hand, and it will not connect to the internet, so I'm stuck using the built in designs. The only cards I have for it are Disney cards that came with it.

On the window ledge next to the desk I keep needles and labels and things. On the shelf above the embroidery machine I've got little boxes filled with embroidery threads and embellishments. I've got a Black and Decker tool box thingy that I use for snaps and buttons. I also have a pot that I keep fabric pens, markers, scissors and rotary cutter in.

Under the desk is an Ikea unit on wheels. I pull it out when I'm sewing and use the top to put the pattern I'm using on. In the top drawer I have lots of touchtape and aplix.

Bit of a tangle - elastic and trims.

Thread drawer.

Behind my chair I have a stacker and some boxes. The bottom box is full of things that need mending. The blue box has got patterns that I'm currently using, or plan on using sometime soon. The bag on top of the stacker has got some wool in it.

Here's what's in my stacker. Top drawer has my nursing pattern collection. Patterns from Elizabeth Lee Designs and Babe Too. I will probably never use them as they are so dated. But I'm keeping them because I like looking at them. They also give you ideas for altering other patterns.

More patterns that I'm not really using. I actually have a whole other pattern storage system with the pattern covers in a folder and all the pattern pieces boxed away in envelopes. These are just patterns that haven't made it into the pattern storage system, or ones I've finished using and not put back!

My most adored smocking magazine collection! I once paid £40 for a single issue :-O It was a rare hard to find back issue. I've kind of stopped collecting them now since they're no longer available to buy in the UK.

I have a couple of projects that I really want to start, but I'm going to make myself finish off a few of my UFOs before I start anything new. R slept through my moving things around in the bed room, so I think it might be safe to sew in the evenings when he is asleep.

Hope you enjoyed the tour of my sewing room... well, my bedroom.


nocton4 said…
wow, well done you for the beautiful smocking and for all that hard work tidying up, looks great.
Ok so now the fabric is sorted can I buy some nappies for Oscar please LOL
big love, can't wait to see you at camp xx

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