I haven't posted here for months. I haven't been doing any sewing really. R is so hard to get off to sleep these days. It takes me till almost 10 to get him properly asleep. My sewing machine is in the same room as him, so I don't dare to sew in case it wakes him up... Apart from that I just haven't felt motivated or inspired to sew. I started off the year with such good intentions too!
I have been busy buying on fabric co-ops though. I got some money for my birthday and spent it (and more!) on fabric. I've ordered quite a few new patterns and a pattern book, about 15 yards of different knits (!) some woven fabric, some print PUL and some pre-cut patchwork fabric. Some of it is ready and I'm just waiting to hear how much it'll be for postage (an eye watering amount probably, with all that fabric). Some of it is going to be custom milled, so it'll be an age for that to be ready.
One thing I have done recently is cut out some PUL to make a new stash of nappies for R. I'm going to make some large sized Chloe Toes this time. The KCK nappies I made are getting a bit small. I need to get something for the insides of them though. I'm thinking I might get some suede cloth. And I probably need some more FOE. Gathering all the supplies is going to take some time and money, so it'll take a while to get them made.
I did actually sew something just recently! I did it all in an afternoon. Its a nappy and cover. I found that the Darling Diapers pattern that I'd bought had had an update, so I was quite excited to see what was different and try it out. These are made with the new "tiny newborn" size. It fits from about 5 to 12lbs. The nappy and cover are going to friends from our home ed group who just had a new baby.

I also wanted to post pictures of this dress - even though it must have been about 2 years since I made it! I'd given it to my mum to hem, and I think it ended up getting lost in her junk room. I need to sew some buttons on. E hasn't tried it on, I'm sure the length is fine, but it might not fit round the middle now. I think it turned out really lovely. I am sad that I used cheap poly cotton for it, because it would have been nicer with a nice crisp cotton.