Gah. Still waiting for my fabric. I found the tracking thing on Paypal and it said that it left the US on the 3rd of October. So that's not too bad. I'm sure last time I looked at it it said that it had dispatched on the 25th of September! I was starting to get worried about it. It'll probably be here by Friday.

I made my 1st Chloe Toes nappy last night. Its a pattern I've been wanting to get forever! It was actually a bit trickier and more time consuming that I had expected. And the blades of my overlocker made a horrible job on the soaker :-( I looked them up online and they are very expensive :( We have ordered a family railcard, and when I get that I think I might take a trip to Stirling and see if they have any - and probably eye up the embroidery unit for my sewing machine. I think its £495. Eeeks. But maybe it might be on special offer or something.
Not sure if I'll have an awful lot of time for sewing (not that I ever had much time for sewing!). We've booked tickets to see Horrid Henry at the Kings Theatre in Edinburgh. Thats in a few weeks time. November is National Novel Writing Month (also known as Nanowrimo) and I plan to do that. You have to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. I did it in 2006 and won. R was just a few weeks old last Novemeber so I didn't do it then. I'm spending a bit of time over the next few weeks planning for that. Then it'll be December. Yikes! We're going to see a Christmas panto in the Tron theatre in Glasgow. Its a home ed trip. So I'm going to be kind of busy.
Can't really do a blog post without pictures, so here is some of E's work that she's been doing. We've been doing fables. She took the photos herself, with a close up of the peacock that she drew because she was really proud of the way it turned out :-)