I haven't updated for a while, so I thought I'd put these (really bad) pictures up. Just a little pile of stuff I've been working on.
These two are very long overdue gifts. I really don't like the way they turned out. Still need to put snaps on the front.
My overlockers blade needs replaced - but I can't afford another one. It really didn't like the birdseye and flannel combo and chewed it up at the edges. These are newborn Darling Diaper AIOs with snap in soakers. PUL outers, 2 hidden layers of birdseye and flannel inners.
These are two bamboo velour Little One Sizes. Without soakers. Haven't got round to doing them yet. I got tired of messing up with blind elastic so I decided to try a different way of putting it in. Don't know if you can see the difference between the two. I'm not sure if the new way is any faster though, but it is less frustrating.

You can't really see the snaps on the front, but they have cute little penguins engraved on them! I've made two blue ones and a pink one. I've got another one cut out to sew.
These are Sprightly Soakers made with wool interlock for the body and wool/lycra blend for the waist and leg cuffs. I had 1yd of interlock and 1yd of blend and managed to make 4 large ones and 2 small ones.
Just a close up of the labels I got to sew on them :-)
Here is R modelling his. These are my new favourite covers. When I can afford it I will buy some more of the wool blend and maybe make some longies with it. And more covers. It is expensive though. Something like $20 a yard. Plus a hideous amount for postage. Apparently it dyes really nicely too.
This is the inside of another Little One Size. I made a fold out soaker for it. Looks like it'll be good for boys. I have a whole load of these at various stages. Some needing threads trimmed and some needing completely sewn.
Aw look - a little hand! These are medium Little Starter covers. With gussets. They were a bit tricky to do.

Cute labels on the back. Bad picture though.
Cute labels on the back. Bad picture though.
I hope to get some more stuff finished off soon. I just don't seem to be getting the time to sew lately. And the Jeff Show has been taken off the air! I can't sew without listening to the Jeff Show!!! Will have to find some more late night listening.