A fluffy stack! I found a piece of fabric one day when I was rummaging and I had an idea about making a whole matching set with it. I got some Dylon and some white velour and dyed my fabric to match the print. The lime green and print ones are Little Starters, the lime green velour is a side snapping Little One Size, and the rest are front snapping Little One Sizes. There are a couple more that aren't in the picture. I still have to put snaps on for the snap in soakers.
This is a one size on a small setting, and one on a bigger setting. The rise snaps down inside.
These are two medium Fattycakes I sent to Denise for her little boy. Both are PRR knit prints on the outside. The whale one I have had for about 6 years now! I used woolly nylon thread on the whales one. It turned out quite nice.
I planned to use a nice lime green french terry for the inside of the car one, but when I came to cut out I found my bit of fabric was too small! So I was stuck with this not so nice sweatshirt fleece green. The other one is a dark blue velour. I have washed it THREE times! I was worried the dye might come out.
This is a very boring picture of the trifold soaker. Its two layers of hemp fleece and one of the sweatshirt fleece. Folded up it will be 9 layers altogether. I think my trifolds are a bit on the short side. I need to make them a bit longer.
Well... this was my attempt at a close up of the little size tags. Didn't turn out too great though... I did do hidden snaps on these for some reason. Not sure why. Maybe I didn't have enough snaps when I was making them.

Some of my mini diapers and the cover. But the cover is too small!!!! Or my baby is too fat.... I am going to try making extended tabs with the touchtape so it should fit a bit better.
This is the diaper shower gift that I sent off to Australia.
I sent these two AIOs as extras. They're made from the Darling Diapers pattern. The yellow one turned out a bit wonky on one side, which was a shame. Probably no one else will notice it though. I LOVE the way the multi coloured thread looks with the heart print flannel. The soakers and the hidden layers are made from birdseye, which is a fabric I haven't really used much.
Little dress from the Vintage baby Bubble pattern. Its made from linen, which as you can see creases badly! I'd just ironed it, then folded it to see if it would fit inside the parcel and it got a big fold line down it.

Some of my mini diapers and the cover. But the cover is too small!!!! Or my baby is too fat.... I am going to try making extended tabs with the touchtape so it should fit a bit better.

have left a little award over on my blog for you, go look