I need to figure out what is wrong with this. It feels too small. The body fits ok, but not the bust. Maybe I need to make a bigger size. Or do a FBA, or even a LBA. This is the buttercup size. I used a nice stretchy knit I bought on ebay. It turned out to be more purple than it looked on the picture.
My photo of this project is REALLY bad. Batteries in camera went flat. It looks really nice in real life though. I haven't hemmed it yet. Think I will do a lettuce edge, because the knit is too stretchy, it'll end up going lettucey anyway. I think I will trim the under bust seam next time I make it because it ended up really thick. You had to sew through 3 layers the front, then fold it up so you were sewing through 4 and the elastic. I think i will grade the seam down to just one layer of fabric. I think I'll top stitch the arm and neck elastic a little bit further in next time. I think I've done it too close to the edge and its trying to roll out a bit. I don't usually wear anything without a bra, but this top is very supportive. I just need it a little bit bigger I think.
This is supposed to be a camisole, but I'd wear it for a top in the summer. Once I figure out the sizing I think I have enough fabric left to make a night gown and another top. I have a pj top that I don't like, because it has itchy lace on it. I'm going to buy some white knit and make one of these tops to go with pj bottoms. I'll do lettuce edging in pink, so they match. I also need the white to sew up some Blessed Design #1002 tops.
I also finished another project this morning. I just bought a load of nappy making fabrics, and I sewed a Very Baby AIO. It's baby blue PUL and it has a white birdseye inner. I had some real trouble with it. My inner and outer would just not match up. I think I might have traced the wrong size or something??? A 15 minute job turned into a 45 minute nightmare! I ended up putting a little tuck in the birdseye to get them to match. It shouldn't affect the performance at all. Just need to sew on the aplix and its ready to use :) Will post pics when I get new batteries.