Yes, can't believe I actually managed to finish something. Baby was asleep, so I took the chance to clean my overlocker and re-thread it. It went very well for a change. Usually all the threads get all tangled or it doesn't thread right. He was still asleep so, I thought I'd get on with actually sewing something.
Baby R sleeps in my bed, and occasionally his nappy leaks, or he decides to barf. Its a pain changing the whole bed, so I thought I'd make a waterproof sheet.

Here he is in his little corner of the bed.

I made the sheet with a layer of waterproof PUL fabric, a layer of Warm and Natural cotton wadding and a layer of flannel on the top. I intended to use white for the backing, since it wouldn't be seen, but I had none left. For some reason I thought I had loads. If I had more time I'd have done the edges in a matching colour of thread, but since I was in a hurry I just used white. I was going to actually quilt the wadding to the flannel, but, again that would have taken more time.
I'm pretty happy with it. Its not the loveliest thing I've ever made. The teeny little one is a practice one I made to check if the tensions were ok. Its not even sewn straight, but E has taken it to use for her Sylvanian Families to use. Apparently its a picnic blanket for them.
Baby R sleeps in my bed, and occasionally his nappy leaks, or he decides to barf. Its a pain changing the whole bed, so I thought I'd make a waterproof sheet.

Here he is in his little corner of the bed.

I made the sheet with a layer of waterproof PUL fabric, a layer of Warm and Natural cotton wadding and a layer of flannel on the top. I intended to use white for the backing, since it wouldn't be seen, but I had none left. For some reason I thought I had loads. If I had more time I'd have done the edges in a matching colour of thread, but since I was in a hurry I just used white. I was going to actually quilt the wadding to the flannel, but, again that would have taken more time.
I'm pretty happy with it. Its not the loveliest thing I've ever made. The teeny little one is a practice one I made to check if the tensions were ok. Its not even sewn straight, but E has taken it to use for her Sylvanian Families to use. Apparently its a picnic blanket for them.
